Privacy Policy
SMBGASSO is an a.s.b.l.
The non-profit organization (a.s.b.l) SMBGASSO is a group of individuals who have come together for a specific purpose, a project, a common cause, and who have agreed to the creation and operation of this association under the rules determined by Luxembourg law.
SMBGASSO does not have the right to pursue a profit-making purpose, to exercise its activity for the sole purpose of making a profit or a dividend to oneself or to its members. Luxembourg's legislators excludes from the field of activity of the association, commercial or industrial operations. However, the association structure is conisdered as a legal entity that is independent and different from that of its members, taking advantage of the latter in relation to third parties, i.e. non-members.
Safety and Security
The SMBGASSO has taken the position that only a transparent community life can preserve the medium and long term benefits, guarantees and rights of the beneficiaries of its actions, simultaneously preventing internal tensions or conflicts.
In this context, we must ensure greater transparency of the management and administration of the association, and more specifically, concerning the finances linked to its day-to-day operations and activities.
The association respects and complies with European GDPR (Generl Data Protection Regulation) standards of its members.
The personal information of the members are strictly confidential and protected. This information cannot be revealed to the public, or be used for commercial purposes.
The association neither asks, nor keeps, personal data other than that which is necessary for its daily operations and communication with its members.
Every member has the right when they chose to leave the association, to either recover or have their personal data destroyed.
SMBGASSO is an association of type a.s.b.l. (Non-profit organization) created and recorded in the Luxembourg, registered in the R.C.S. of the Big Duchy of Luxembourg.
Head office: street Théodore Eberhard, L on 1452, Luxembourg
Registration number: F11942
SIRET SMBGASSO Head office Luxembourg: 881 077 739 00012
SIRET SMBGASSO FRANCE: 881 077 739 00020
e-mail address:
Web site realized by SMBGASSO/Wix, accommodated at Amen and Wix.
Sports Academy
A non-profit association in support of projects, athletes, clubs and institutions promoting the practice of sport, and continued education through sport.
Registration Number: F11942
Headquarters: Luxembourg
30 Rue Theodore Eberhard, L 1452, Luxembourg
France branch office:
SIRET Headquarters: 881 077 399 00012
SIRET branch office: 881 077 399 00020